Causal Loops Time Squiggles


From 1 to 26 July 2019, Fondazione Antonio Ratti held its 25th edition CSAV - Artists’ Research Laboratory in Como, Italy. Under the guidance of Ei Arakawa, Kasper König, and Nora Shultz, 19 artists from different backgrounds (Stefan Klein, Edoardo Manzoni, Amos Cappuccio, Pietro Bonfanti, Paulo Wirz, Daniel Jablonski, Deirdre O'Leary, Ilan Bachl, March Buchy, Eleni Wittbrodt, Tomas Nervi, Laura Leppert, Wesley Larios, Alan Segal, Michael Sven Meier, Douna Lim / Théo Pesso, Violette Maillard / Letizia Calori) gathered together to explore Causal Loops and Time Squiggles, a starting point for thinking about art practice today. Images, thoughts, words coming from the workshop are gathered in this publication.

Editor: Gregorio Magnani
Designer: Wolfe Hall
Publisher: Compagnia, London
2020, Eng., 256 pages, duotone (blue and black)