The Aesthetic of Resistence
The publication records the exhibition related to the outcomes from the course program attended by 25 international artists in July 2005, participating in the 10th edition of the seminar program CSAV - Artist Research Laboratory (Francesco Arena, Adam Avikainen, Nark Bkb, Jeremy Boyle, Wendy Downs, Andreas Golinski, Francesca Grilli, Juan Pablo Macías, Stefano Mandracchia, Andrea Nacciarriti, Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh, Christian Niccoli, Caterina Notte, Gionata Gesi Ozmo, June Pak, Annapaola Passarini, James Pei-Mun Tsang, Karen Miranda Rivadeneira, Marinella Senatore, Luca Trevisani, Juliane Wedell, Thomas Wilkinson). Aesthetic of Resistance the topic proposed by the visiting professor Alfredo Jaar, has exposed a series of inquiries about the multiple meanings of the word resistance in regard to art -making significance nowadays, considering and redefining new ways and other possibilities in the artistic intervention without missing the philosophical and above all, the social implications that creating an art work implies.
Publisher: Nero, Rome
2005, Ita./Eng., black and white