Fondazione Antonio Ratti

Paola Ruffino

Rivelazioni d’arte. I tessuti nella collezione di Riccardo Gualino – Collecting Textiles

20 September 2012
FAR – Villa Sucota

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Paola Ruffino is a curator of Fondazione Torino Musei, in charge of the Borgo Medioevale and of the ethnographic and textile collections of Palazzo Madama-Museo Civico d'Arte Antica di Torino. After her degree in humanities, she worked for the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici, storici e Etnoantropologici of Piemonte in cataloguing the historical and artistic heritage. From 1995 onwards, she deepened her study of textiles. At Palazzo Madama, she aims at valorizing the textile collection, which she promotes through new expansions, the creation of didactic activities, specialized formation, and the collaboration with institutions of the same area. From 2010, Palazzo Madama is a member of CIETA.

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